Over 60 years ago, Hugh Everett suggested our universe constantly splits into new timelines.
Key Takeaways
- Decisions might create new timelines, according to the Many Worlds theory of quantum physics.
- Wormholes could act as tunnels connecting distant universes if they exist in reality.
- String Theory and Eternal Inflation suggest infinite bubble universes, each with unique laws of physics.
- Quantum computers may one day detect alternate timelines or allow interaction with them.
- Exploring other universes could involve future breakthroughs in faster-than-light travel or spacetime dimensions.
The Many Worlds of Quantum Physics
For nearly a century, physicists have grappled with the challenge of uniting quantum mechanics—the physics of the very small—with Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, governing the large-scale cosmos. Many proposed solutions involve a multiverse, where our universe is one among many.
The Many Worlds Interpretation, proposed in 1955 by Hugh Everett, builds on Erwin Schrödinger’s equation for quantum wave functions. This theory suggests that all possible outcomes of an event occur, each branching into its own timeline. For instance, if you choose to marry someone, another version of you exists in a timeline where you don’t. Though fascinating, these timelines remain inaccessible to us, though physicists like David Deutsch believe advanced quantum computers might someday record and explore them.
Wormholes, Bubble Universes, and the Physics of Travel
While the Many Worlds theory focuses on timelines, other multiverse theories suggest that entire universes coexist within a vast cosmic structure. Eternal Inflation Theory, for example, describes the creation of “bubble universes” through the constant expansion of spacetime. Meanwhile, String Theory postulates that universes might exist as floating branes, separated by extra dimensions.

Traveling between such universes is a daunting prospect. Wormholes, theorized by Einstein and Rosen, could serve as shortcuts through spacetime, connecting two distant points. These Einstein-Rosen bridges might also link to “white holes,” reversing black holes to eject matter. Although white holes remain purely theoretical, their discovery could revolutionize our understanding of space travel.
Alternatively, future technologies might unlock other possibilities, such as faster-than-light travel or dimensions that cut across spacetime. However, interacting with other universes could pose challenges, especially if their physical laws differ dramatically from our own.