Jupiter’s movements may have delivered water to Earth and other rocky planets

Jupiter’s gravity may have sent water-rich asteroids crashing into Earth over 4 billion years ago. Key Takeaways Jupiter’s movements may have played a crucial role in delivering water to Earth and other rocky planets. Instead of just scattering debris, Jupiter may have guided water-rich material into the inner solar system. New research suggests that any…

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Astronomers see a massive black hole awaken in real time

A once-dormant black hole suddenly flared to life, illuminating its galaxy after years of silence. Key Takeaways: Astronomers have witnessed a supermassive black hole awaken in real time for the first time. The black hole in galaxy SDSS1335+0728 became dramatically brighter, marking its transition to an active phase. Observations suggest the brightening could be caused…

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The Solar System Will Stay Stable for 100 Billion More Years—Here’s Why

The Solar System will stay stable for at least 100 billion years—far longer than Earth itself! Key Takeaways: Scientists estimate that a close stellar flyby capable of destabilizing the Solar System won’t happen for another 100 billion years. Even when a star does pass nearby, it’s still unlikely to disrupt the planets’ orbits significantly. Using…

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4.6-Billion-Year-Old Meteorite Confirms Asteroids Brought Water to Earth

A 4.6-billion-year-old meteorite contained 11% extraterrestrial water, linking asteroids to Earth’s oceans. Key Takeaways A 4.6-billion-year-old meteorite crash in the UK provided evidence that Earth’s water came from asteroids. Scientists confirmed that the water in the Winchcombe meteorite closely matches Earth’s water composition. The meteorite, recovered just hours after landing, is one of the most…

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Mars May Hold More Organic Matter Than We Ever Expected

Mars’ ancient lakebed holds carbon clues, hinting at unexpected organic processes in its past. Key Takeaways: NASA’s Curiosity rover found organic matter on Mars with unusual carbon isotope ratios, challenging past assumptions. The discovery suggests Mars’ surface may contain more organic material than scientists previously believed. Laboratory experiments indicate that non-biological atmospheric processes likely created…

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Hundreds of new exoplanets are found to exist, increasing the total to over 4,800 distant planets

NASA’s AI just confirmed 301 new exoplanets—without the need for human verification. Key Takeaways: NASA has confirmed 301 new exoplanets, significantly expanding the known list of worlds beyond our solar system. The discoveries were made using ExoMiner, an AI-driven program that analyzes vast amounts of data. ExoMiner is more reliable than human classification, reducing the…

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The Farthest Radio Burst Traveled 8 Billion Years to Reach Earth

A cosmic radio burst carried more energy than the Sun produces in 30 years. Key Takeaways: A fast radio burst (FRB) traveled 8 billion years before reaching Earth—the farthest ever detected. The signal, lasting less than a millisecond, released energy equal to 30 years of sunlight. Astronomers believe magnetars—ultra-magnetic neutron stars—are the likely source of…

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Hubble discovers a football-shaped planet emitting heavy metals into space

WASP-121b is so hot (4,600°F) that iron and magnesium escape into space. Key Takeaways: Hubble discovered a football-shaped exoplanet, WASP-121b, leaking heavy metals like iron into space. This is the first time astronomers have seen heavy metals escaping a planet’s atmosphere. WASP-121b’s extreme heat (4,600°F) makes it puff up, weakening its gravity and causing material…

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