Two Supermassive Black Holes Set to Collide Will Distort Space and Time in about 10,000 Years

Key takeaways:

  1. Two supermassive black holes, each hundreds of millions of times the mass of the sun, are spiraling toward a colossal collision 9 billion light-years away, set to merge in 10,000 years.
  2. The black hole system PKS 2131-021 stood out due to its unique sinusoidal light pattern, discovered through decades of radio telescope data, pointing to two black holes orbiting each other.
  3. One of the black holes emits a powerful jet of plasma aimed at Earth, creating the observed light pattern, which repeats every two years due to their orbit.
  4. The binary black hole system could aid in studying gravitational waves, the ripples in space-time predicted by Einstein, although current detectors like LIGO can’t observe waves from black holes of this size.
  5. The long-term study of PKS 2131-021 underscores the importance of sustained monitoring, which allowed scientists to uncover a rare cosmic event that could reshape our understanding of black hole mergers.


Two supermassive black holes will collide in 10,000 years, warping space and time.

A Cosmic Collision in the Making

In a galaxy 9 billion light-years away, two enormous black holes are locked in a cosmic dance that will eventually end in a massive collision. These supermassive black holes, each hundreds of millions of times the mass of our sun, are currently orbiting one another. In about 10,000 years, they will merge in a violent event, unleashing enough force to distort space and time by creating gravitational waves—ripples in the universe’s fabric.

The two black holes, though incredibly large, are relatively close to each other, separated by only about 50 times the distance between Earth and Pluto. To put that into perspective, even a black hole half the size of a golf ball would have the same mass as Earth.

This remarkable system, recently published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, is only the second known candidate for a supermassive black hole merger. The discovery of these colossal black holes and their impending collision is not just a spectacle; it represents a key step forward in our understanding of gravitational waves and the nature of the universe.

The Discovery of the Black Hole Pair

The road to discovering this extraordinary binary black hole system began in 2008 when Tony Readhead, an astronomer from the California Institute of Technology, and his team started observing galaxies with active black holes at their centers. They specifically focused on finding quasars, which are black holes that emit powerful jets of energy. These jets, traveling at nearly the speed of light, release enormous amounts of light.

One specific quasar, dubbed PKS 2131-021, caught the team’s attention. Its jet displayed a unique pattern of light variation known as a sinusoidal wave, a series of peaks and valleys similar to the ripples created when a stone is dropped into water. Upon further investigation, Readhead and his team traced this pattern back to 1981 using data from the National Radio Astronomy’s Very Long Baseline Array. However, the pattern’s inconsistency made it difficult to confirm the black hole’s behavior.

That all changed in 2021 when undergraduate student Sandra O’Neill reanalyzed the data and found that the sinusoidal pattern actually stretched back to the 1970s with even greater consistency. This discovery allowed the team to conclude that the unusual light pattern was caused by the movement of two black holes orbiting each other, with one of them producing the fluctuating jet.

Two colossal black holes will collide in approximately 10,000 years, rippling across the universe. Caltech

Implications for Gravitational Waves

This binary black hole system offers a unique opportunity to study gravitational waves. First predicted by Albert Einstein over a century ago, gravitational waves were considered almost impossible to detect until 2016, when scientists at LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) detected them for the first time. These ripples in space-time were created by the collision of two smaller black holes, proving Einstein’s theory that space-time can indeed be warped by gravitational forces.

However, LIGO can only detect waves from smaller black holes, around the size of a few dozen suns. To detect waves produced by supermassive black holes like the ones in PKS 2131-021, scientists rely on patterns like the sinusoidal light waves created by their jets. These discoveries could open new avenues for understanding the nature of space-time and the gravitational forces that shape the universe.

As Readhead describes, this journey of discovery is much like a “good detective novel.” The saga of these two black holes will continue to unfold over the next 10,000 years, offering astronomers a front-row seat to one of the universe’s most powerful and awe-inspiring events.

A strange energy beam appears to move at five times the speed of light

Key takeaways:

  1. The plasma jet from galaxy M87 appears to move nearly five times faster than the speed of light due to an optical illusion, first observed by Hubble in 1995.
  2.  While the jet isn’t actually breaking physics, its light arrives at Earth in a way that makes it seem like the plasma is moving faster than it really is.
  3. The jet in M87 is caused by a supermassive black hole at the galaxy’s center, which shoots out plasma at speeds close to light as it consumes nearby gas and stars.
  4. Jets like M87’s influence galaxy evolution by impacting star formation, and M87’s relative closeness allows scientists to study this process in detail.
  5.  Eileen Meyer and her team have studied M87’s plasma jet over more than two decades, noting ripples and possible spirals in the jet’s movement, with new discoveries still emerging


A plasma jet from galaxy M87 appears to move five times faster than light.

14 Blue Energy Animation Pack! by ManuGamingCreations

n the world of astronomy, a peculiar and seemingly impossible phenomenon is unfolding in galaxy M87. A beam of plasma, or energy, is shooting out from the galaxy’s core and appears to travel at five times the speed of light, as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope. Though this illusion has been known since 1995, it continues to challenge our understanding of the universe’s laws, particularly the cosmic speed limit that states nothing can move faster than light.

An Optical Illusion of Light-Speed Travel

The jet of plasma coming from M87’s center has been known since 1918, when astronomer Heber Curtis first noticed a ray of light stretching from the galaxy. Now known to be around 6,000 light-years long, this jet is formed by hot gas and plasma being ejected from the supermassive black hole at M87’s center. As gas is pulled into the black hole, it heats up and, with the help of magnetic fields, gets focused into high-velocity jets of plasma that shoot outwards.

Though the plasma in these jets moves at speeds close to the speed of light, it never actually surpasses that limit. So why does it look like it’s moving faster? The answer lies in an optical illusion caused by the angle of the jet relative to our line of sight and the speed at which the plasma is traveling. As the jet shoots plasma particles toward us at nearly the speed of light, the light emitted from the later position of the particles reaches Earth sooner than it appears it should. This makes it seem as though the plasma blob is moving faster than light itself, when in fact it’s just an illusion based on perspective.

Understanding Plasma Jets and Galaxy Evolution

The jet from M87 is not just a fascinating trick of light; it has significant implications for our understanding of galaxies. According to Eileen Meyer, an astronomer at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, such jets can influence star formation in galaxies by either halting or triggering it, depending on the energy they release. However, the exact mechanisms and energy levels of these jets remain unclear.

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Trick of the light NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

M87’s jet provides a unique opportunity for study because it is relatively close to Earth, making it easier to observe. Since 1995, Hubble has captured images of the jet that show how it changes over time. In 1999, astronomers first observed plasma rippling outward, and in 2013, Meyer extended the analysis to a 13-year observation period, revealing that the plasma may also be moving in spirals. This long-term data offers insight into the behavior of these jets and the forces at play in their creation.

Meyer’s upcoming research, based on over 20 years of observations, promises to shed more light on the mysterious behavior of M87’s jet and its impact on galaxy evolution. Despite her deep familiarity with the phenomenon, Meyer remains awestruck by the fact that we can witness objects as distant as tens of millions of light-years away visibly moving within a human lifetime.

In summary, the faster-than-light illusion created by M87’s plasma jet is a fascinating optical effect that offers valuable insight into the nature of black hole jets and their influence on the galaxies that harbor them. As scientists continue to study these jets, they may uncover more surprises about how galaxies evolve and how the universe behaves on cosmic scales.

Water on Earth is Officially Older Than the Sun, Scientists Claim

Key takeaways:

  1. Water on Earth is likely billions of years older than the sun, originating from the interstellar medium and remaining unchanged through star and planet formation.
  2. Scientists found water on the protostar V883 Orion, 1,305 light-years away, linking the water in protostars to comets and Earth, completing a missing link in water’s journey through the universe.
  3. Water forms as ice on dust grains in interstellar clouds, then follows a long, unbroken path through protostars, protoplanetary disks, and comets as it shapes new solar systems.
  4. By observing V883 Ori using the ALMA telescope, astronomers discovered that the water was hot enough to transition from ice to gas, enabling them to study its composition.
  5. This discovery suggests that other planetary systems may have received large amounts of ancient water during their formation, just as Earth did, offering new insights into planet and star formation.


Water on Earth predates the Sun by billions of years, originating in interstellar clouds.

Sun Earth GIF by BrainPOP - Find & Share on GIPHY

Tracing the Ancient Origins of Earth’s Water

Water is a key element in the formation of stars and planets. A new study reveals that the water on Earth is much older than the Sun itself, potentially billions of years older, and originates from the interstellar medium, the space between stars. By examining the water on the protostar V883 Orion, located 1,305 light-years from Earth, scientists have uncovered a probable link between the water in the interstellar medium and the water in our solar system.

The research team, led by John Tobin of the National Science Foundation’s National Radio Astronomy Observatory, published their findings in Nature. They describe a clear path that water follows through the universe, from its creation in interstellar clouds to its presence on planets and in comets. The discovery of water on V883 Orion is a breakthrough, as it helps trace this path of water from the early stages of star formation to the formation of planetary systems.

Linking Protostars to Our Solar System’s Water

Before this study, scientists could link the water on Earth to comets and protostars to the interstellar medium, but the connection between protostars and comets remained unclear. The water detected on V883 Orion changes that. It proves that water molecules in that system have a similar ratio of deuterium and hydrogen as those found in our solar system, establishing a direct link between the two. This suggests that water molecules in our solar system are far older than previously thought, predating the formation of the Sun and planets.

Margot Leemker, an astronomer at Leiden University and coauthor of the study, explained that the bulk of water in the interstellar medium forms as ice on tiny dust grains in space clouds. These clouds eventually collapse under their own gravity, forming young stars and protoplanetary disks. The water from these clouds remains unchanged throughout these stages, becoming part of new solar systems, planets, and comets.

Water through time: Ices from the parent molecular cloud are incorporated into planet-forming disks around young stars, and eventually into the planets themselves
Water through time: Ices from the parent molecular cloud are incorporated into planet-forming disks around young stars, and eventually into the planets themselves. (Credit: Bill Saxton, NSF/AUI/NRAO)

By studying the water on V883 Orion using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), astronomers were able to observe this ancient water because the protostar was hot enough to turn the ice into gas. This allowed them to measure the composition of water and confirm that it had remained consistent across various stages of solar system formation.

The Missing Link in the Water Chain

This new finding fills a critical gap in understanding the origins of water in our solar system. “Until now, the chain of water in the development of our solar system was broken,” Tobin said. “V883 Orion is the missing link in this case, and we now have an unbroken chain in the lineage of water from comets and protostars to the interstellar medium.”

Merel van ‘t Hoff, an astronomer from the University of Michigan and coauthor of the study, added that this discovery suggests planetary systems, including ours, have received vast amounts of water during their formation. The study also offers a glimpse into the early history of our solar system, suggesting that the water we see on Earth today has traveled through the universe for billions of years, unchanged since the time it formed in interstellar clouds. This revelation not only reshapes our understanding of Earth’s water but also provides insights into the water present in other planetary systems.

The universe is expanding faster than before due to the merge with smaller ‘baby universes’

Key t akeaways:

  1. A new theory suggests our universe’s accelerated expansion may be driven by collisions and mergers with “baby” parallel universes, rather than mysterious dark energy.
  2. The study proposes that universe mergers could explain expansion more accurately than the Standard Cosmological Model, which relies on the elusive dark energy.
  3. The theory suggests early rapid expansion, or inflation, might have been caused by our universe being absorbed by a larger “parent” universe, eliminating the need for a hypothetical inflaton field.
  4. Researchers’ calculations based on universe mergers align more closely with cosmic expansion observations compared to traditional models.
  5. Future data from telescopes like Euclid and James Webb could determine whether this universe-merging model or the dark energy hypothesis best explains the universe’s expansion.


Our universe might be growing by absorbing smaller “baby” universes, not just dark energy.

The Big Purple Bubble GIF by Fiulo on DeviantArt

The accelerating expansion of the universe is one of the most baffling mysteries in modern cosmology. While current theories suggest this expansion is driven by dark energy, a new study offers a different explanation. Researchers now propose that the universe could be expanding because it continually merges with smaller, parallel “baby” universes.

This groundbreaking theory, published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, suggests that these cosmic mergers might better explain the observed expansion than the current Standard Cosmological Model, which relies on the hypothetical existence of dark energy. The idea challenges the mainstream understanding of cosmic evolution and proposes an intriguing alternative to explain the universe’s rapid growth.

Absorbing Baby Universes: A New Cosmic Insight

The concept of parallel universes interacting with ours has been explored before, but the new study takes this idea further by offering a mathematical model to describe these interactions. According to Jan Ambjørn, the lead study author from the University of Copenhagen, their model shows that the universe’s volume could increase through collisions with other universes, a phenomenon that our instruments might interpret as cosmic expansion.

By incorporating these hypothetical mergers into their calculations, the scientists found that their model better fits observational data than traditional models based on dark energy. This raises the possibility that our universe’s expansion might not be solely driven by an elusive force but rather by the ongoing assimilation of neighboring universes.

Rethinking Cosmic Inflation

The new theory also addresses the long-standing problem of cosmic inflation—the rapid expansion that occurred in the first moments after the Big Bang. Traditionally, scientists have explained this early expansion using the idea of an “inflaton,” a theoretical field that caused the universe to expand at an unprecedented rate.

An illustration of the Euclid spacecraft scanning the sky. Euclid’s mission is to hunt for traces of dark matter and dark energy in the ancient universe, to help explain the mysteries of cosmic expansion. (Image credit: ESA)

However, the authors of the new study suggest a different cause. They propose that our universe could have been absorbed by a much larger “parent” universe shortly after its formation, triggering the rapid early expansion. This scenario would eliminate the need for an inflaton field and offer an alternative explanation for inflation.

Once the initial expansion took place, the universe would have continued to grow by merging with other smaller “baby” universes over time, according to the researchers.

Future Observations and Testing

Despite the appeal of this new theory, it still requires observational data to validate its claims. Scientists are currently gathering detailed measurements of the cosmic microwave background—the faint afterglow of the Big Bang—to study the universe’s expansion more closely.

According to Yoshiyuki Watabiki, a physicist from the Tokyo Institute of Technology and co-author of the study, future observations from the James Webb Space Telescope and the Euclid mission could provide crucial data to determine which model of the universe’s expansion—dark energy or baby universe mergers—best fits reality.

In the meantime, this new theory opens up exciting possibilities for understanding how our universe evolves and continues to grow in ways that were previously unimaginable.

Moon, Captured by an Apollo 12 astronaut

The image captures a stunning view of the Moon’s surface, highlighting its craters and rugged landscape in striking detail. Taken from lunar orbit, this perspective provides a rare glimpse of the natural satellite’s desolate terrain, emphasizing the harsh environment and the intricate features of the cratered surface.

Moon Exposure Corrected


The image above showcases a detailed view of the lunar surface, with exposure corrections that highlight the intricate features and textures of the Moon’s landscape. The adjustments bring out the rich contrast between the dark, shadowed regions and the sunlit craters, giving us a vivid sense of the rugged terrain that defines our nearest celestial neighbor.

How Large Is That Crater?

One of the prominent craters visible in this image is the Copernicus Crater. To give a sense of scale, this massive impact crater spans a distance equivalent to approximately 611,000 bananas laid end to end. The crater measures about 93 kilometers (58 miles) in diameter, making it one of the most striking features in this lunar portrait.

A Tribute to Richard F. Gordon

This stunning image is most likely captured by Richard F. Gordon, the pilot of the command module during the Apollo mission. While his crewmates, Pete Conrad and Alan Bean, descended to the lunar surface to conduct scientific experiments, Gordon remained in lunar orbit, circling the Moon 45 times.

Gordon’s role in the mission was essential but often overlooked—he was tasked with maintaining the command module and ensuring a safe return for the entire crew. His solitude in lunar orbit made him one of the loneliest men in history, a distinction shared by Michael Collins before him. Collins’ iconic photograph, featuring the Moon, Earth, and the rest of humanity with himself isolated in the command module, captures the profound solitude of these missions.

Richard F. Gordon passed away in 2017, leaving behind a legacy as a brave aviator and a key figure in humanity’s journey to the Moon. His contributions remind us of the unseen heroes who made those giant leaps possible.

12 Pictures of The Sun, Each Month, Same Place, Same Time

As the Earth orbits around the sun, the sun appears to move through the sky in a predictable pattern. This is because the Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted relative to its orbit around the sun, which causes the sun to appear to rise and set at different positions on the horizon throughout the year.

To illustrate this effect, we took a series of 12 pictures of the sun from the same place at the same time each month.

In January, the sun is at its lowest point in the sky, and it appears to rise and set at the southernmost point on the horizon. As the Earth continues to orbit around the sun, the sun appears to move northward in the sky, reaching its highest point in the sky in June. In June, the sun appears to rise and set at the northernmost point on the horizon. As the year progresses, the sun appears to move southward in the sky again, returning to its lowest point in the sky in December.

Here are the 12 pictures we took, one for each month:

Photo by Ciro Russo

As you can see, the sun appears to move through a large arc in the sky throughout the year, due to the tilt of the Earth’s axis. This movement is what causes the seasons, as different parts of the Earth are tilted towards or away from the sun at different times of the year.

We hope you enjoyed this visual demonstration of the Earth’s orbit around the sun!

A Propulsion System for Traveling from Earth to Neptune in One Year

Key takeaways:

  1. NASA’s NIAC program has granted $175,000 each to 14 innovative projects, aiming to make science fiction-inspired technologies like TitanAir and lunar oxygen pipelines a reality.
  2. A proposed laser-powered “pellet-beam” propulsion system could reduce travel time to Neptune to just one year, potentially reaching 500 AU (far beyond Pluto) in 15 years.
  3. Two other NIAC projects focus on nuclear propulsion, with one aiming to cut Mars travel time by 25% using Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP), and another exploring highly efficient, though challenging, nuclear fission fragment engines (FFRE).
  4. These technologies aim to overcome the speed limits of conventional rockets, although chemical rockets will still be needed for escaping Earth’s gravity initially.
  5. While still in Phase I research, these advanced propulsion technologies have the potential to drastically change space exploration if proven viable through further testing and modeling.


Pellet-beam propulsion could send spacecraft to Neptune in just 1 year.


NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program, which is dedicated to exploring breakthrough space technologies, recently announced the recipients of its $175,000 grant aimed at transforming futuristic ideas into reality. Among the 14 innovative projects selected are concepts like TitanAir, a seaplane designed to explore Saturn’s moon Titan, and lunar pipelines for transporting oxygen between moon settlements. But the most groundbreaking proposals focus on reimagining space travel, aiming to significantly cut travel times between celestial bodies.

pellet beam propulsion concept

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson praised NIAC’s mission, saying, “NASA dares to make the impossible possible.” A key part of this mission is to overcome the biggest challenge in space exploration: how to travel faster between points in space.

Pellet-Beam Propulsion: A Game Changer in Space Travel

One of the most ambitious projects selected by NIAC is called “pellet-beam propulsion,” led by Artur Davoyan from UCLA. This innovative concept aims to dramatically reduce the time it takes to travel through space. Current spacecraft, such as the Voyager missions, travel at just 3.6 astronomical units (AU) per year, meaning it took nearly half a human lifetime to reach the edge of our solar system. Davoyan’s pellet-beam propulsion, however, could potentially propel a one-ton spacecraft to Neptune’s orbit in just one year.

The system works similarly to solar sails, but instead of relying on sunlight, it uses fast-moving particles propelled by lasers. If successful, this technology could allow spacecraft to travel up to 500 AU in just 15 years—far surpassing the speed of current spacecraft. The Phase I investigation of this project will focus on modeling the technology’s subsystems and conducting proof-of-concept studies to validate these bold claims.

Nuclear Propulsion: Another Path to Faster Space Travel

In addition to the pellet-beam propulsion, two other projects selected by NIAC focus on nuclear-based propulsion technologies, which could further revolutionize space travel. The first, a new class of Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) engines, would use fission power to drastically cut travel times to Mars by at least 25%. NTP engines are well-known in the space community for their potential to outpace conventional chemical rockets.

Another nuclear propulsion concept is the nuclear fission fragment rocket engine (FFRE). This system promises to be exponentially more efficient in fuel consumption than current rocket engines. However, the FFRE engine faces significant challenges, including its massive size, complexity, and thermal management. Positron Dynamics, a propulsion company, is working to overcome these hurdles and make the FFRE a viable option for future space missions.

A Future Beyond Chemical Rockets

While chemical rockets will still play a role in launching spacecraft out of Earth’s atmosphere, these new propulsion technologies signal NASA’s intent to move beyond current speed limitations. With NIAC’s support, these ambitious projects may one day make interplanetary and even interstellar travel much faster, bringing humanity one step closer to becoming a spacefaring civilization.

Scientists have mapped 1 million new galaxies in just 300 hours

Key takeaways:

  1. Australian astronomers mapped 83% of the observable universe in just 300 hours using the ASKAP radio telescope, a record-breaking achievement.
  2. The survey revealed about 3 million galaxies in the southern sky, with up to 1 million of them potentially being previously undiscovered.
  3. Unlike traditional sky surveys that take months or years, this new effort, called the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey, was completed in just a few weeks.
  4. ASKAP’s 36 antennas captured panoramic sky images, which were combined by supercomputers into a massive map of 903 images, each containing 70 billion pixels.
  5. With this successful survey, scientists are excited for future studies, expecting to uncover tens of millions of new galaxies in upcoming observations.


Astronomers mapped 83% of the sky and discovered 1 million new galaxies in just 300 hours.

Daily briefing: Map of Milky Way shows a billion stars in motion

Australian astronomers have achieved a remarkable feat by mapping 83% of the observable universe in only 300 hours, thanks to the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope. This sky survey, dubbed the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey, marks a major milestone for the ASKAP telescope, which had never before used its full 36-antenna array for a single survey. The project is a significant leap forward in the study of galaxies and cosmic phenomena, revealing millions of previously unknown galaxies.

The ASKAP, located in the remote Western Australian Outback, has been operational since 2012, mainly focusing on detecting radio signals, including fast radio bursts. However, it wasn’t until now that astronomers fully utilized its potential to scan the entire sky. The telescope was able to capture detailed radio images of the southern sky at an unprecedented speed.

Mapping Millions of Galaxies

The survey mapped around 3 million galaxies, and researchers estimate that as many as 1 million of these galaxies were previously unknown to science. Published in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, this groundbreaking research is only the beginning. Lead author David McConnell, a CSIRO astronomer, expressed excitement over the results, stating that the success of this survey opens the door to discovering tens of millions of new galaxies in future surveys.

The ASKAP’s 36 antennas worked together to create a detailed “Google map of the universe,” capturing 903 individual images that were later combined into a sky map. Each image contained a staggering 70 billion pixels, dwarfing the highest-definition cameras on the market today, which capture only a few hundred million pixels per image.

Future Potential and Public Access

Despite the complexity of the task, the survey was completed in just a few weeks, while other all-sky surveys can take months or even years. This rapid survey, thanks to ASKAP’s high efficiency, provided data that will be available to the public through CSIRO’s Data Access Portal. This allows scientists worldwide to analyze the findings and plan for more detailed future explorations.

ASKAP’s success in this first full survey demonstrates the immense potential of the telescope in advancing our understanding of the universe. The data gathered will help scientists learn more about how galaxies form, evolve, and interact with each other, providing deeper insights into the structure of the cosmos.

As researchers gear up for even more detailed sky surveys, ASKAP is poised to revolutionize our knowledge of the universe, with expectations of discovering tens of millions of new galaxies in the years to come. This breakthrough also highlights the importance of radio telescopes and large-scale collaborations in astronomy, as they allow scientists to uncover new cosmic mysteries at an unprecedented scale and speed.

The black holes were found to be closest to the Earth just 150 light years away

Key takeaways:

  1. Astronomers may have found the nearest black holes to Earth, possibly located in the Hyades Cluster, just 150 light-years away, which is 10 times closer than previous estimates.
  2. These black holes might have been ejected from the Hyades millions of years ago, but even if they’re now roaming the galaxy, they remain the closest to our planet.
  3. Researchers used simulations comparing star movements in the Hyades with real data from the Gaia telescope, finding the best matches when two or three black holes were included.
  4. The Gaia space telescope, launched in 2013, has been crucial in reshaping astronomy by providing highly precise measurements of star positions and motions, helping scientists detect hidden black holes.
  5. This research offers insights into how black holes affect the evolution of star clusters and provides clues about how black holes are distributed across the galaxy.


Black holes in the Hyades cluster may be 10 times closer to Earth than previously known.

8 More Amazing Facts About Black Holes - KopyKitab Blog

Astronomers may have discovered the closest black holes to Earth, located in the Hyades Cluster, just 150 light-years away. This cluster of hundreds of stars, visible in the constellation of Taurus, may contain black holes that were ejected millions of years ago and now roam the galaxy. Despite their wandering nature, these black holes would still be far closer to Earth than the previously closest known black holes.

Simulating Black Holes in the Hyades

A team led by Stefano Torniamenti, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Padua, used simulations to track the movement and evolution of stars within the Hyades Cluster, adding black holes to the equation. The team compared the simulation results with real observations from the Gaia space telescope, which has been mapping the movements and velocities of stars in the Hyades.

Torniamenti’s simulations showed that the mass and size of the cluster only aligned with observations if two or three black holes were present in the center of the Hyades, or had been there until recently. The team also found that simulations in which black holes were ejected from the Hyades around 150 million years ago fit Gaia data well. This means the cluster still bears traces of the black holes’ presence even if they were violently thrown out long ago.

Ejected Black Holes: Still the Closest to Earth

If the black holes were indeed ejected from the Hyades Cluster, they would still be the closest black holes to Earth, according to the simulations. Previously, the black holes Gaia BH1 and Gaia BH2, discovered earlier in 2023, were considered the closest, located 1,560 and 3,800 light-years away, respectively. The potential black holes from the Hyades, however, would be around ten times closer, making them an intriguing subject for further study.

An image of the Hyades star cluster. (Image credit: Jose Mtanous)

Gaia’s Role in Black Hole Discovery

The Gaia space telescope, launched in 2013, has revolutionized astronomy by providing detailed measurements of the positions and velocities of billions of stars. This precision allows astronomers to detect hidden objects, such as small stellar-mass black holes, by tracking their gravitational effects on surrounding stars. In the case of the Hyades, Gaia’s data was crucial in revealing the presence of these potential nearby black holes.

Researcher Mark Gieles, from the University of Barcelona, highlighted the significance of this discovery, noting that it helps scientists understand how black holes influence the evolution of star clusters. Moreover, these findings offer valuable insights into how black holes are distributed across the galaxy.

In conclusion, the discovery of these potential black holes in the Hyades Cluster marks a significant advancement in our understanding of the universe, with the Gaia telescope continuing to play a key role in identifying and tracking these mysterious cosmic objects.

The team’s research was published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Every 2.4 million years, Mars tugs on Earth so hard it changes the ocean floor

Key takeaways: 

    1. New research suggests that Mars’ gravitational pull on Earth might influence our climate by altering deep-sea currents every 2.4 million years.
    2. Geological evidence shows that ocean currents strengthen or weaken in a 2.4-million-year cycle, coinciding with gravitational interactions between Earth and Mars.
    3. The gravitational interaction between the two planets pulls Earth closer to the Sun, warming the planet, before moving it back again in a repeating cycle.
    4. These shifts in ocean currents, driven by warmer climates, erode deep-sea sediments and may prevent ocean stagnation in the event of AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation) collapse.
    5. The research hints that Mars’ influence could help maintain ocean circulation, potentially offsetting some effects of human-driven global warming on deep-sea currents.


    Mars’ gravity causes Earth’s deep-sea currents to intensify every 2.4 million years.


Mars Is Spinning Faster: NASA's InSight Uncovers Surprising AccelerationNew research suggests that Mars’ gravitational pull on Earth may play a role in influencing our planet’s climate. Geological evidence, spanning over 65 million years, points to a repeating cycle in which deep-sea currents fluctuate between being stronger or weaker. This cycle, which occurs every 2.4 million years, is now believed to be driven by gravitational interactions between Mars and Earth, according to a study published in Nature Communications.

Astronomical Grand Cycle and Ocean Currents

The research highlights a phenomenon called the “astronomical grand cycle.” This cycle coincides with periods when deep-sea currents, or “giant whirlpools,” become stronger and more powerful, reaching even the deepest parts of the ocean, known as the abyss. These intense currents erode sediments that build up during calmer phases of the cycle.

The study reveals that these deep-sea changes happen alongside known gravitational interactions between Earth and Mars. As both planets orbit the sun, their gravitational fields interfere with each other. This interaction, called “resonance,” affects the eccentricity of their orbits, meaning Earth’s orbit becomes more or less circular. When Mars’ gravity pulls Earth closer to the sun, more solar radiation reaches our planet, leading to warmer climates.

Geological Evidence and Ocean Sediments

The research team, led by Adriana Dutkiewicz and Dietmar Müller from the University of Sydney, used satellite data to map ocean floor sediments over millions of years. They found gaps in the sediment records during these grand cycles, suggesting that stronger ocean currents might have swept sediment away during warmer periods caused by Mars’ gravitational influence.

The findings add weight to the theory that external forces, such as passing stars or nearby planets, can affect Earth’s climate. However, the authors of the study stress that these natural astronomical cycles are unrelated to modern-day global warming, which is driven by human activities like greenhouse gas emissions.


Within cycles of millions of years, Mars pulls the Earth closer to the sun which could affect the warming of our planet via changes in ocean circulation, a new study predicts. (Image credit: SCIEPRO/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY via Getty Images)

Implications for Ocean Circulation and Climate

These results suggest that Mars’ gravitational influence could help sustain some of Earth’s deep-sea currents. The study highlights a particular ocean current called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which transports warm water from the tropics to the Northern Hemisphere. The AMOC has been predicted to slow down or even collapse due to climate change, but the researchers propose that the deep-sea eddies driven by Mars’ gravity could help maintain ocean circulation.

Müller notes that there are multiple mechanisms that drive deep-ocean circulation, and Mars’ influence could play a small but important role. The findings suggest that warmer oceans, which occur during these astronomical cycles, may lead to more vigorous deep circulation, potentially preventing the oceans from becoming stagnant.

In conclusion, this study opens up new perspectives on how external celestial forces, such as Mars’ gravity, could influence Earth’s climate and ocean systems over long timescales.