A 13.3-billion-year-old oxygen signal suggests star formed 250 million years after the Big Bang

Astronomers detected the most distant oxygen ever recorded—emitted just 500 million years after the Big Bang. Key Takeaways: Scientists confirmed that the first stars formed when the universe was less than 2% of its current age. The discovery of ancient oxygen suggests that stars ignited just 250 million years after the Big Bang. Using ALMA,…

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Laser beacon could help us signal alien civilizations up to 20,000 light years away

A high-powered laser beacon could be visible to alien astronomers up to 20,000 light-years away. Key Takeaways: MIT researchers propose using existing laser technology to create a beacon for extraterrestrial civilizations. A 1-2 megawatt laser, focused through a large telescope, could send signals deep into space. The laser could be detected by alien astronomers in…

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One of the Oldest Stars in the Universe Found Hiding in the Milky Way

A 13.5-billion-year-old star, among the universe’s oldest, is quietly hiding in our galaxy. Key Takeaways: Astronomers have discovered one of the oldest stars in the universe, just 2,000 light-years away. This ancient red dwarf, 13.5 billion years old, formed from nearly pristine Big Bang material. The star’s low mass challenges the idea that the first…

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Telescopes and spacecraft collaborate to explore the depths of Jupiter’s atmosphere

Jupiter’s lightning bolts are three times more powerful than Earth’s strongest superbolts. Key Takeaways: NASA’s Juno spacecraft, Hubble, and Gemini Observatory are teaming up to study Jupiter’s storms. By combining space and ground-based telescopes, scientists are probing Jupiter’s deep atmosphere like never before. Juno detects radio waves from lightning, while Hubble and Gemini provide global…

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A massive star has apparently vanished from space without explanation

A massive star 75 million light-years away has disappeared—without even leaving a supernova. Key Takeaways: A giant star in the Kinman Dwarf galaxy, once shining brightly, has mysteriously vanished. Scientists expected to see a supernova, but instead, the star simply faded from view. One possible explanation is that the star collapsed directly into a black…

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Astronomers discover a strange pair of rogue planets, which are each 4 times the mass of Jupiter

The lowest-mass binary ever found consists of two Jupiter-sized objects drifting freely through space. Key Takeaways: Astronomers have discovered a pair of free-floating planetary-mass objects traveling together in the Milky Way. This binary system, 2MASS J11193254–1137466AB, consists of two objects with just 3.7 Jupiter masses each. Scientists estimate the pair to be about 10 million…

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