Key Takeaways:

  1. Unveiling the largest X-ray map of the universe, astronomers discovered over 700,000 massive black holes and a vast network of gaseous bridges linking galaxies.
  2. The eROSITA All-Sky Survey, conducted from December 2019 to June 2020, identified approximately 900,000 celestial objects, marking a significant milestone in X-ray astronomy.
  3. This groundbreaking survey detected more X-ray sources in six months than previous flagship missions accomplished in nearly 25 years, showcasing its unprecedented scope and efficiency.
  4. Among the remarkable findings is a colossal filament of hot gas spanning over 42 million light-years, offering insights into the cosmic web’s structure and the distribution of dark matter.
  5. With over 200 scientific papers already published and more on the horizon, the eROSITA project continues to provide invaluable data and tools for further exploration of the universe’s mysteries.
This image shows half of the X-ray sky projected onto a circle (so-called Zenit Equal Area projection), with the center of the Milky Way on the left and the galactic plane running horizontally. (Photo: © MPE, J. Sanders for the eROSITA consortium)

Astronomers have disclosed the grandest and most intricately delineated X-ray cartography of the cosmos to date. The recently disseminated data unveils the radiance emitted by over 700,000 colossal black holes, an enigmatic “link” of gaseous matter interconnecting remote galaxies, and hundreds of thousands of other “peculiar” entities entrenched within the depths of space.

The expansive revelation of novel X-ray data arises from the eROSITA All-Sky Survey, an undertaking dedicated to scrutinizing the entirety of the firmament from December 2019 to June 2020 leveraging the eROSITA X-ray telescope. During this period, the survey intercepted in excess of 170 million X-ray photons (particles of light) pervading the celestial expanse, subsequently identified by astronomers as approximately 900,000 discrete celestial bodies, predominantly comprising supermassive black holes, as per a proclamation from the Max Planck Society in Germany, a collaborator in the mission’s oversight.

“These are staggering numerical figures within the realm of X-ray astronomy,” remarked Andrea Merloni, principal investigator of eROSITA and primary author of a new exposition delineating the expanse of the mission’s revelations. “In merely 6 months, we’ve detected a greater multitude than the extensive flagship expeditions of XMM-Newton and Chandra have accomplished in nearly a quarter-century of operation,” added Merloni, alluding to the X-ray telescopes presently administered by the European Space Agency and NASA, respectively.

X-rays constitute a manifestation of high-energy radiation imperceptible to unaided vision. Predominantly, X-ray emissions in space emanate from concentrations of exceedingly heated gases, originating from colossal galaxy clusters; the vestiges of supernova detonations, such as the renowned Crab Nebula; or active black holes capable of eclipsing entire galaxies as fervent, swiftly moving material plunges into their voracious cores. The scrutiny of cosmic X-rays not only facilitates the discernment of mammoth, high-energy entities such as these but also unveils the overarching configuration of the cosmos itself.

An eROSITA X-ray image with the newly discovered filament between two galaxy clusters more than 42 million light-years apart. (Image credit: Dietl et al. (2024))

Among the most captivating recent revelations stemming from the survey is an immense “strand,” or nexus, of heated gas linking two conglomerations of galaxies across a span exceeding 42 million light-years (surpassing the length of the Milky Way by over 400 times). Postulated as a constituent of the cosmic lattice — the expansive thoroughfare of gas that nourishes all galaxies in the cosmos and exposes the desolate cavities wherein elusive dark matter is believed to reside — the filament remains an intriguing enigma awaiting further scrutiny. (The investigations remain pending peer review.)

In conjunction with the release of the latest tranche of data, researchers affiliated with the project have submitted over 50 treatises to scientific periodicals expounding upon a fraction of eROSITA’s novel discoveries. This fresh compendium of astronomical discourse augments the over 200 treatises already disseminated concerning preceding eROSITA revelations, as indicated by the researchers.

The complete data release, accompanied by complimentary tools for its perusal, is accessible courtesy of the eROSITA website. Additional data and scientific treatises founded upon it are anticipated in the foreseeable future. In the interim, eROSITA will persist in its celestial observations from its abode aboard the Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) space observatory, jointly administered by Germany and Russia.

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